From slopes to hopes...
Yesterday, we took the kids skiing for the first time. If you’ve ever introduced beginners to the slopes, you know it’s equal parts adventure and chaos…and plenty of stories to tell about Black Diamonds by mistake and some hard landings ?. We started on the bunny hill, where they picked it up quickly—or as quickly as you can with a few tumbles and some dramatic “My skis keep crossing”…and…”I can’t get up” moments. Their enthusiasm was matched by creativity when it came to finding ways to get tangled up.
Skiing reminds me a lot of life. Sometimes you feel out of control, wondering if you’re going to make it. But there’s hope—something greater pulling you forward.
After a while, we decided it was time to level up. We ditched the bunny hill, hopped on the chair lift, and headed straight to the top of the mountain. On the way up, I could tell there was some fear of the unknown…and the known…like running into a tree…or a post (which did happen) will hurt. The biggest fear was not being able to stop safely.
At the top, I gave my most inspirational speech yet: “You’ve got this. Keep your skis straight, stay upright, snowplow to slow down, and gravity will do the rest. I promise ?.” Their expressions told me they weren’t entirely convinced, but off we went.
The first run? Let’s call it… eventful. There were a few near-misses, raised blood pressure, arms flailing like we were auditioning for a dance competition, and one or two startled strangers who weren’t expecting us to redefine “controlled chaos.”
But we made it!
And then we did it again. And again. By the end of the evening, the kids weren’t just skiing—they were loving it. Sure, there were still a few wobbles, but they learned to trust the process. And everyone wants to do it again….as soon as possible.
Skiing reminds me a lot of life. Sometimes you feel out of control, wondering if you’re going to make it. But there’s hope—something greater pulling you forward.
This Sunday, as we conclude our Advent series, Advent with Isaiah, Pastor Don will be preaching from Isaiah 65:11–66:24. Isaiah paints a breathtaking picture of the new creation God has promised us—a future hope that empowers us to live faithfully in the here and now.
I sure hope to see you at 8:00, 9:15 (Full KidCity available), or 10:45 am (Full KidCity available), or you can watch the Livestream on YouTube (Like and Subscribe) or on our New Life website at 9:15 am. Additionally, we are also publishing our sermons on Spotify.
Now to stretch out so I can walk standing straight up ?,
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