Snaking their way in...

Last weekend, Leigh-Ann, the boys, and I drove out into the country to get haircuts and watch Sophia play soccer. We definitely enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine and decided to make a pit stop at a local gas station—for .99 cent fountain drinks and a snack.

We sat down to enjoy the rare relaxing moment when all of a sudden, I noticed some dude with a pet snake draped around his arm.

Full disclosure…anyone with a snake is suspect to me!

I absolutely detest snakes. It’s not merely a fear of being bitten or strangled; it’s the way they slither across the ground and disappear into the shadows that send shivers down my spine. Of all God’s creatures—from mosquitoes to opossums to sharks—snakes top my list of things I could do without.

So, I watched as Leigh-Ann walked the boys over for a closer look. Without feeling even a bit of a threat to my masculinity.

One by one, they took turns holding the cursed creature that made my skin crawl.
Which brings me to the sermon this Sunday. We begin a four-week sermon series through the book of Jude. Here is a great overview from the Bible Project. In this short book, Jude, the brother of Jesus challenges us to contend for the faith while delighting in the Gospel.

Near the very beginning, he describes ungodly people who “snake their way” into the church to cause disunity and affirm their own bad decisions.

See, I knew there was a good reason I detest snakes. Much like we may need to confront our visceral dislike for snakes (and perhaps also for people who keep them as pets), we are called to engage thoughtfully with our understanding of faith, particularly in a world filled with distractions and false teachings. In verses 1-4 of Jude, we will explore practical truths about our identity in Christ, our responsibility to contend for our faith, and the importance of maintaining purity to discern ungodly influences.

Ultimately, we are called to cling tightly (pun intended) to the truth of the Gospel and to remember who we are in Christ.

I sure hope to see you Sunday as we explore how we can delight in our faith and contend for the truth. You can join the New Life family at 8:00, 9:15 (Full KidCity available), or 10:45 am (Full KidCity available), or you can watch the Livestream on YouTube (Like and Subscribe) or on our New Life website at 9:15 am. Additionally, we are also publishing our sermons on Spotify.

Have a great weekend,




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