New Life Sunday - Freedom 5K...

Vacations are typically synonymous with relaxation, lounging by the pool, and indulging in good food. However, this year, we decided to spice things up by signing up for the "Run for Freedom" 5K at Big Cedar on July 3rd.

Yes, you read that right—we voluntarily chose to lace up our sneakers, and tackle a race in the sweltering summer heat.

The race master claimed to be Richard Simons…and since I haven’t danced to the Oldies for a while, I had to ask Leigh-Ann if it was really him….it wasn’t….bummer.

The whistle went off, and so did we—up and down the hills, our legs pumping like pistons. The first hill burned up my adrenaline and then it was just my lungs burning for the rest of the race.

At one point, it felt like we were scaling a cliff… okay, maybe not a cliff, but it sure felt like it! Step by step we trudged, every now and then getting some hype from a fellow runner or the occasional cheer from a supportive spectator.

Despite the heat, the humidity, and the relentless hills, we kept going, motivated by the thought of the finish line and the free fruit and cookies. And then, as if by some miracle, the finish line appeared.
We even had a few winners in our crew! As for me, I was happy to finish in one piece 😊.

This race was more than just a physical challenge; it reminded us of the perseverance and teamwork essential in all areas of life, including our work. This Sunday, our sermon series continues with "Wisdom for Work" from Proverbs 6:6-10. Just as we powered through the race step by step, we're called to approach our work with the same tenacity and wisdom. Avoiding the laziness of the sluggard and embracing the work ethic of the ant.

So, whether you're facing a daunting project at work or a seemingly insurmountable hill in life, we will discover together that work is not a curse, it is a gift. Embrace the challenge with diligence, and you'll find that the effort is worth it, leading not only to personal fulfillment but also to the glory of God.

I sure hope you can join us this Sunday as we delve deeper into "Wisdom for Work" at 8:00, 9:15 (Full KidCity available), or 10:45 am (Full KidCity available), or you can watch the Livestream on YouTube (Like and Subscribe) or Facebook at 9:15 am. Additionally, we are also publishing our sermons on Spotify.

Have a great evening,




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