Glimpses of Grace...
Sunday is Mother’s Day!
I know Mother’s Day can be tough for some…for those of you who like Hannah in the Old Testament long to become a mom, this day might be a reminder of that void…for others who have lost their mom, Mother’s Day might add to your grief….there are still others who did not get to have an exemplary mom….and Mother’s Day might dredge up some painful memories.
I’m very sorry for those who are feeling pain and struggle….at the same time, I know God has sufficient grace for you…even now.
It is my prayer that we are able to point toward God’s sufficient grace this Sunday while still celebrating the beauty and strength of mothers.
Both my mom and Leigh-Ann are great examples of showing those around them a portrait of God’s grace. Each has a gift of showing selfless, generous love.
Growing up, my mom loved to surprise me on weekends and run my paper route so I could sleep in….she also loved making a big dinner and would coax us boys to eat seconds, thirds, and fourths…compliments to the chef…mom has been a beautiful picture of selfless love and grace.
Leigh-Ann also has the gift of hospitality, she loves to prepare a great meal so we can sit around the table and share our lives. She carries a heavy load as a mom with five kids plus friends. She is beautiful and courageous. She is honest and down to earth. She is a friend no matter your background or status.
Leigh-Ann reminds me of God’s grace in that she is the rare person who will run toward danger.
If there is an emergency, you absolutely want Leigh-Ann close by!
Several years ago, while I was still at the church, we had an intruder walk into our house and up the stairs at dinner time…all five kids were in the kitchen living area and Leigh-Ann turned around to see an intoxicated stranger in our kitchen just a step away from the kids.
She calmly walked him out the front door telling him, “We need to go…” She deadbolted the lock, called 911, and then me.
Talk about taking care of business….just like God’s grace.
I can’t wait to share more on Sunday at 8:00, 9:15 (Full KidCity available), or 10:45 am, or you can watch the Livestream on YouTube (Like and Subscribe) or Facebook at 9:15 am. Additionally, we are also publishing our sermons on Spotify.
P.S. We have some great gifts for every mother and person who has mothered. We also will have a photographer to take your pictures.
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