The value of a friend...

Last week, our community lost a remarkable person, Phil Cagle, in a tragic carjacking incident. Phil was a good friend, a devoted church member, and a passionate motorcycle and moped enthusiast. His sudden passing has left a void in our hearts, but his legacy of kindness and generosity will be remembered.

Phil and I first crossed paths over five years ago, thanks to a scooter for sale on Craigs List. My wife, Leigh-Ann, and I, along with our five kids, loaded up our Sprinter van and headed to Raytown to buy our first (of many 😊) scooters. After a few minutes of chatting with Phil, it was clear he knew his stuff and was a great guy. Our first and maybe only disagreement was whether or not the scooter would fit in our van…he was right, it didn’t fit, but we bought it anyway 😊. Phil didn’t hesitate…He offered to drop it off at our house, later that evening.

While talking about a Scooter, I told Phil I was a pastor and he told me he was looking for a church. Before long, we had not only acquired a new moped but also welcomed a new member to New Life.

Phil quickly became a member of our church. He joined our Tuesday morning men’s Bible study and made plenty of friends. His willingness to lend a hand and his friendly demeanor endeared him to everyone.

Phil’s kindness extended beyond just helping out. He had a special place in his heart for our boys and was always thinking about motorbikes or go-carts the boys would enjoy.

Phil was a friend who consistently offered more than he took and was quick to share anything he had. His selflessness and generosity set an example for true friendship.

As we grieve Phil’s untimely passing, we also celebrate his profound impact on our lives. He taught us about the importance of relationships, always putting others before self, looking for ways to bless others and selflessly lending a hand when needed.
This Sunday, Pastor Anthony will continue our sermon series in Proverbs with a message titled “Wisdom for Relationships” from Proverbs 13. The Bible has plenty to say about friends, friendships, and growing healthy relationships. Phil was the gold standard for friends and each of us can learn from him while we continue our sermon series in Proverbs.

I sure hope you can join your New Life family as we explore how wisdom is the key to relationships and apply these insights to our everyday lives at 8:00, 9:15 (Full KidCity available), or 10:45 am (Full KidCity available), or you can watch the Livestream on YouTube (Like and Subscribe) or Facebook at 9:15 am. Additionally, we are also publishing our sermons on Spotify.

Have a great evening,




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