In the hood...

Since coming home for the summer, our daughter Alexa’s car hood has been looking pretty rough. The once sleek surface had become blotchy and, frankly, a bit embarrassing to drive around. With her upcoming move to Florida, I wanted to make sure the car looked its best before she left. And since Dallas and Isaiah were away at camp, Ian and I took it upon ourselves to tackle the job.

The process began with a lot of sanding—more sanding than I ever imagined! We sanded and sanded some more until the old paint was nearly gone. Next came the tedious task of taping everything off, followed by a coat of primer. After that, we applied three coats of fresh paint. It’s not perfect, but it’s a huge improvement. And while it’s been a rewarding project, I can confidently say I have no interest in quitting my day job!
As I looked at the hood, I couldn’t help but think about how similar the process is to caring for our hearts. Just as the car’s hood needed attention to remove the blotches and imperfections, our hearts also need regular attention. We often face issues like sin, unforgiveness, bitterness, anxieties, and worldly desires that can corrode our spiritual well-being and leave us looking pretty rough.

This Sunday, I look forward to continuing our Proverbs series entitled, “Wisdom for Life” with a sermon about purity. We will survey several verses on the topic of purity for our hearts and then get some practical direction from Proverbs 4:23-27. Just as we worked diligently to restore the car hood, we can be vigilant in guarding our hearts from spiritual corrosion.

I sure hope to see you as we explore how wisdom can help us maintain a pure heart and apply these insights to our everyday lives at 8:00, 9:15 (Full KidCity available), or 10:45 am (Full KidCity available), or you can watch the Livestream on YouTube (Like and Subscribe) or Facebook at 9:15 am. Additionally, we are also publishing our sermons on Spotify.

No matter what, time at church will be a lot more enjoyable than sanding and painting a car! 

Have a great evening,




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