Stars forever...

This past week, our family managed to escape for a much-needed vacation. We swam, floated, read, and competed in all sorts of fun activities. But one of my favorite moments happened last night, and it lasted past midnight.
It all started when one of the kids was out on the deck, gazing up at the stars. After much coaxing, he finally convinced the rest of us to join him.

There’s something truly magical about sitting outside at night with family, staring at the stars. We spotted everything from airplanes to planets, the Big and Little Dippers, and shooting stars, and we think we even saw Orion’s Belt—though to be honest, it could have been a smudge on my glasses.

I was filled with gratitude for this moment and secretly wished…upon a star…life would just stand still.

As we looked out into what seemed like eternity, we would share facts, dream a bit, and then fall into comfortable silence for a few minutes.

There’s something incredibly centering about looking at the immense sky, which, according to Google, contains 200 billion trillion stars. Apparently, we can see up to 20 quadrillion miles away, which is far more than any of us imagined last night. I’m not smart enough to even comprehend those numbers. All I can say is that staring out into the stars makes any words I can come up with seem extremely underwhelming.

At the same time, the words we say matter a lot. Spoken words carry some of the most power in the universe. According to Google (yes, it’s my go-to for everything), the average person speaks 16,000 words a day, totaling about 5.8 million words a year. Over a lifetime, that’s roughly 410 million words.

Now, compared to the number of stars in the universe, our lifetime word count seems like a drop in the cosmic bucket. Yet, each word carries weight and significance.

I’m looking forward to learning more about our words from Pastor Jeff this Sunday as he continues our sermon series in Proverbs, focusing on Proverbs 10 and our need for wisdom in speech.

I sure hope to see you on Sunday at 8:00, 9:15 (Full KidCity available), or 10:45 am (Full KidCity available), or you can watch the Livestream on YouTube (Like and Subscribe) or Facebook at 9:15 am. Additionally, we are also publishing our sermons on Spotify.

Have a great evening-maybe you can even take some time to look at the stars,




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