From the DMV to the Divine, prioritizing presence...

If you’ve ever spent a morning, afternoon, or even a whole day waiting at the DMV, you know the frustration of feeling like just another number. Today, I needed to get one of the girl’s cars registered and figured since it was the middle of the month, it shouldn’t take longer than 15 minutes (Proof that I’m an optimist 😊) When I arrived, there were 61 people ahead of me, and by the time I was next in line, there were 73 behind me. Fortunately, I received text updates about the line progress; otherwise, we might not have much of a sermon for Sunday 😊.

As I waited for the final few people ahead of me to complete their business, I felt claustrophobic, my mind was in overload mode, and I didn’t feel welcome or cared for—the exchange was purely transactional. I felt like just another cog in the machine, waiting my turn in a system built for frustration. I left hoping I never have to go back, even though I know I will at some point.

Now contrast a relationship with the DMV to a relationship with a good father—always available, accessible, ready to listen and engage. I know as a dad that any time my phone rings with one of my kid’s pictures on it, my heart is happy and excited to answer, even if they just want to coordinate plans, share good news, ask for money, or find out what I want for Father’s Day (this year its cologne, in case you’re wondering 😊).

Consider how much more our Heavenly Father longs to hear from us. Whether it’s a prayer of worship, a request for needs, or even a confession of sin, God longs to hear from us and He is always available. God certainly must love it when we just want to hear from Him or spend time in His presence.
This Sunday, we will conclude our sermon series, “Table Talk,” with a message from Luke 10:38-42. This passage describes dinner with Mary, Martha, Jesus, and probably several others, though the text doesn’t specify. The food was probably amazing, but that’s not what’s emphasized. What is really important is that Jesus cares much more about our presence than our presentation. There is quite a bit to unpack, so I hope you can attend.

We will have special gifts for all of our fathers and father figures. I sure hope you can attend on Sunday at 8:00, 9:15 (Full KidCity available), or 10:45 am (Full KidCity available), or you can watch the Livestream on YouTube (Like and Subscribe) or Facebook at 9:15 am. Additionally, we are also publishing our sermons on Spotify.

Have a great evening,
P.S. Men’s Breakfast is tomorrow from 8-9:15 am. We will have some great food and coffee and a discussion about friendship. You can register HERE.

P.P.S. We have started PHASE 3 of our remodeling. The major difference this Sunday is that Kid City and Nursery will be held up in the Gallery, Conference Room, and Vow Exchange. Adults will need to use the restrooms right outside the auditorium. There is more info HERE.




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