Graduation - Just the Beginning!
The completion of a course is often viewed as the end, the finale, but it is just preparation for what is yet to come. Knowledge gained is powerless without faithful action implementing it in one’s life, but God has been at work in the lives of many men in Kansas City and will continue the work that He has started.
Through the Good Dads Kansas City training, God has used faithful men to teach and invest in other men. In January they were able to see the fruits of their labor as New Life CityChurch and Lansing Correctional Facility celebrated graduations from the Good Dads KC program. It was a time of celebration, testimonies of what God has done, and recognizing hard work and dedication through this program. Pastor Don Lewis reflected by saying, “We, the facilitators, are truly honored to have played a role in the lives of such men!”

Many men who graduated from the program at New Life CityChurch desired to bring their spouses, children, and grandchildren to share in celebrating their accomplishments. This reflects the goal of Good Dads KC which is to impact the lives of these men which will in turn impact their entire families. Mark, one of the graduates, has already gained multiple degrees and is a prestigious architect, but his daughters were teasing him because this was the first graduation ceremony that he had ever attended.
Mark valued the knowledge he gained from Good Dads KC and was connected to a new family through the relationships he built during the program. He not only attended, but invited his family to join in this celebration.
Liam found the program from a Google search because he was desperate for help to improve as a father so that he could raise his son well and leave a good impact on his life. He eagerly attended every session and enjoyed the camaraderie of learning alongside other men. He was challenged as he learned that fatherhood is a lifelong pursuit; it cannot be learned and mastered in a few sessions, but is a dedication to your family that demands the friendship and input of other men around you who are also striving for the same goal.
Liam expressed, “I didn’t want my kids to grow up without a positive memory of me, their father, now I can know how to leave positive memories with my kids.”
Liam and Mark are only two of the men who graduated from the program at New Life CityChurch. Many others reflected on valuable things they gained from their time at Good Dads KC such as new situational life skills, emotional intelligence, how to foster relationships in their family and with their partner, and the importance of connecting with other fathers.
Similar to the testimonies at New Life CityChurch, God impacted many men through the ministry at Lansing Correctional Facility and thirteen men graduated from the program.

A predominant testimony is from a man who was sentenced to life in prison, and more. It was unlikely that he would ever rejoin society even if his sentence was reduced. Fred had been working on rehabilitation with Brothers in Blue (a faith-based program designed to equip inmates to function as positive, productive members of society upon release), and had been faithfully attending Good Dads KC training. He attended parole hearings every three years, but time after time he was denied. However, this time Brothers in Blue helped him write a twenty-five-page document explaining how God has changed his life and detailing how he is growing and what he is learning through the training. This appeal led to the offer of his parole! So now after fifty years in prison, Fred will be released in July and is a living testimony of God’s grace and His work in the lives of these men.
God is changing lives and rebuilding families all around Kansas City. He is allowing the ministry of Good Dads KC to expand, and the training will now be delivered in five different locations this spring, three of which have already begun.
Lansing Correctional Facility, City Union Mission, Swope Health Imani House, New Life CityChurch, and Healing House will all be hosting the training which will offer more opportunities for men to grow.
Story by Havannah Foster
Please continue to pray for the leaders and facilitators - that God will give them wisdom and strength to lead well. Pray for the participants to be receptive and humble as they hear God’s word and that it will transform their lives.
Thank you for the prayer and the financial support as it is invaluable to the furthering of the ministry of Good Dads KC.
Thank you for all your prayers and support; we could not do this work without you!
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