Unfair Evaluation...
A few days ago, I was able to take our two youngest boys to Shelter KC to share in the evening chapel service. When possible, I love to include our kids in service opportunities, so the plan was to interview them about school, favorite things, and even their future goals.
After interviewing the boys, I planned to share a short sermon about having a healthy vision for the future from Ephesians 3 and 4.
The hook was if they behaved and did well, we would order something from Sonic on the way home.
Everything went great….The boys were friendly and spoke clearly. They offered good answers and the men seemed to love hearing from the kids. I delivered my short sermon 😊 and almost everyone stayed awake.
We were having so much fun, I almost lost track of time….but fortunately, we ended just in the nick of time.
Afterwards, the guys came up and asked questions about the sermon and even where our church was located. We bumped fists and shook hands for several minutes.
Then we got in the car, pulled up the app and ordered our “Sonic Blasts” and drove to pick them up.
Just as we were turning into Sonic, Ian, our youngest mentioned that he had filled out an evaluation. I was immediately curious….
What evaluation? And what score did you give?
There was an electronic kiosk for the men to provide an evaluation for the chapel service and Ian had filled it out.
“Did you know your scores are your rating of me,” I asked?
😊…” bro…how did you rank it?”
“Some 3’s some 4’s and some 5’s.”
Well to make a long story short, it all worked out ok, he gave the speaking portion of chapel high scores at least 😊 and I told him before he fills out another evaluation to at least let me know next time.
This Sunday, Pastor Dave is going to continue our sermon series, “Unwavering Resolve” with a sermon about ‘Change-Agent Leadership.” Although Ian’s survey might be a sort of change agent, there are much better ways to influence people to grow as Christian Leaders. If you would like to prepare your heart in advance, you can read Nehemiah 1-3 to familiarize yourself with the Scripture.
Also, in case you’re wondering, there won’t be any evaluation forms for the New Life services in the near future, I don’t know if I can trust my kids 😊.
I hope to see you at 8:00, 9:15 (Full KidCity available), or 10:45 am (Full KidCity available), or you can watch the Livestream on YouTube (Like and Subscribe) or Facebook at 9:15 am. Additionally, we are also publishing our sermons on Spotify.
Have a great weekend,
P.S. Download our APP Here to take notes on the sermon and stay informed about upcoming events and opportunities.
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