Leap of Faith...
Several weeks ago, while on vacation, most of our family took a leap of faith. For more than a decade while vacationing on Table Rock Lake, we have watched people jump off a cliff. And for more than a decade, we have said we wanted to try that sometime.
Well, we finally had enough “some times” and made it a “this time.”
After a full day of tubing and swimming, we made our way over toward the cliff…and as soon as the boat slowed down, the kids started to jump off and swim over to land one by one. After a few minutes, I followed them over there motivated by a mix of curiosity and pride and an attempt to stay young.
In the time it took to pull myself out of the water and climb up the rocks, it seemed like the cliff grew significantly.
The cliff seems a lot larger looking down from the top than looking up from the bottom…I must admit, I had a few butterflies in my stomach, but my pride was stronger.
As I stood on the top, for only a few seconds, I reminded myself I just needed to hold my breath and jump…. also I reminded myself if I didn’t jump, I would never hear the end of it from my kids since all 5 had already jumped.
Deep breathe…jump….flapping arms…SPLASH!!!!!
And that was it….in fact, it was so fun, I did it again 50 20 20 20 20 Recent
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