It Takes a Village
We want to see multi-generational, city-wide transformation.
We cannot do this alone. We must work in collaboration with like-minded churches, businesses, and foundations. The current culture of fatherlessness is entrenched and will be extremely difficult to change if we do not serve alongside others who want to see city-wide transformation as well.
We believe in:
- Relationships at all levels to develop healthy fathers.
- Collaboration and shared success with like-minded organizations to build families, community, and our city.
- Meeting fathers where they are, in the workplace, school, church, or even in prison.
We see this happening in our second Good Dads KC training program at Bridge
of Hope. We partnered with Bridge of Hope, where the men formed a group that held each other accountable. Ideally, we want the men to continue to meet after the training ends to continue putting into practice what they learn. After our August 4th graduation, that is precisely what happened: the men wanted to continue to meet. Pastor Luther at Bridge of Hope stepped up and is now hosting an hour-long Bible study Thursday evenings with the men.
Good Dads Kansas City Partners:
Good Dads- Springfield: We are a network partner with Good Dads Springfield. They provide us with evidence-based curriculum and training. Good Dads’ mission is to encourage fathers by providing inspiration, resources, and events to help dads be the best they can be.
Dads Against Crime: We provide training to the men DAC serves. They provide Good Dads KC with job placement, counseling, and felony expungement. DAC is a non-profit geared toward fathers who have lost a child to violence or have a child who is a survivor of violence.
Brothers in Blue Reentry: We provide training at Lansing Correctional Facility. BiB is a faith-based program, designed to equip inmates to function as positive, productive members of society. After release, BiB works with inmates to provide construction and welding skills.
New Life CityChurch: We provide Good Dads KC training at New Life CityChurch. The church’s mission is to develop communities that inspire people to know and follow Jesus.
Bridge of Hope Community Church: We provide training at Bridge of Hope. Their mission is to compassionately influence the marginalized to become Christ followers.
Firm Foundation Ministries: We will provide Good Dads KC training in the future with Firm Foundations. They provide a discipleship path that takes men and women from imprisoned to empowered church planters.
The Single Mom KC: We will provide training options for men associated with The Single Mom KC. The Single Mom KC offers the 61,000+ single-mother families in the Kansas City metro area the opportunity to join a hope-filled community.
Neighbors Who Care Partners:
CarePortal: Our NWC team of volunteers partners with other local churches & concerned community members to provide urgently needed support and offer ongoing relationship to families in crisis, to help keep kids out of foster care.
Flourish Furnishings: Our volunteers provide trucks & manual labor to deliver furniture & household items from Flourish to families with very little, free of charge.
Bailee's Closet: We deliver clothing provided by Bailee's Closet to men, women & children in need.
Kansas City Police Department: Through a partnership with KCPD, our team assists victims of crime with property damage repairs & by offering relationship and emotional support.
Thank you for all your prayers and support; we could not do this work without you!
- You can make a financial gift to Good Dads KC here:
- Learn about serving opportunities here:
- To join our prayer team email:
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