This evening we are looking forward to watching our oldest daughter play soccer. She’s a junior in college and has the opportunity to play in a healthy environment for a great coach.
I remember the first year she played soccer at the ripe age of 6…

It was basically a mob of ponytails surrounding a ball and buzzing around the field. The technical expertise consisted of staying on one’s feet and chasing the ball around the field while parents cheered and yelled at the ref.

Each of our kids started at this level and to be very honest, it was painful to watch. Leigh-Ann and I are each competitive people and having to endure poor soccer tested each of us.

However, we have survived the initial years of non-skill and now each of our kids are at the level where its actually fun to watch….usually 😊.

There have been times when one of our kids has been the leader on the field, making her/his teammates look good…AND…there have been plenty of times when our kids have depended on teammates for a win.

The beauty of team sports is kids learn from early on, they win and lose as a team. And of course, playing sports is much bigger than simply winning or losing. Playing on a team builds character, teaches life lessons, and helps kids of all ages mature.

This Sunday, I look forward to talking about a different kind of team….the church community. There are plenty of similarities to team sports. Just like a good team has a goal to win a championship, a good church is in the community for the good of the Kingdom.

We will review Psalm 37 and offer some basics for thriving in our church community. There is so much more to share, I really hope to see you on Sunday at 8:00, 9:15 (Full KidCity available) or 10:45 am, or you can watch the Livestream on YouTube (Like and Subscribe) or Facebook at 10:45 am.

Have a great weekend,




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