
This past week, we were able to attend the elementary Christmas program at Isaiah and Ian’s school.

To be honest, after five kids, the elementary program is typically one of my least favorite things to do…don’t judge me (because Pastor Don is preaching about judgment and joy this Sunday 😊).

This time, however, I was really looking forward to the program because Ian was given a solo. A few months ago, he came home and announced he was going to try out for a solo. I nodded and kept eating dinner without much thought.

Then a few weeks later, he came home and told us he was selected for the solo.


And for the past several weeks, we have been able to listen to him practice (such a blessing 😊). He also knew exactly what he wanted to wear, so Leigh-Ann ordered his wardrobe.

This man was looking good!
The evening arrived and we found our seats. All six of us pulled out our phones to record and remember Ian’s first solo. I think we were more nervous than he was…

We watched song after song starting with kindergarten…and finally, we got to the fifth graders…and then the song that included Ian’s solo.

Ian knocked it out of the parkhe was awesome. And while he was singing, I looked down the row and every single one of us family members had our arms outstretched taking photos and videos.

When he finished, I wanted to let out a joyful “Let’s Goooooooooooooooooo!!!!!”

Whether it is a solo, a challenge, or even our spiritual lives, when we are put to a test and then pass with flying colors, we experience the joy that can be hard to describe.

This Sunday, we continue our Advent sermon series through Asaph’s Psalms with a closer look at Psalm 75. Pastor Don will be offering a sermon that shows us despite judgment, God’s eternal provision brings joy.

Whether the tough times are now or back during the time of Jesus or even back to the exile when God’s people sang these songs, we can always look forward to our eternal joy. There is so much more to discuss, I hope to see you at 8:00, 9:15 (Full KidCity available), or 10:45 am (Full KidCity available), or you can watch the Livestream on YouTube (Like and Subscribe) or Facebook at 9:15 am. Additionally, we are also publishing our sermons on Spotify.

Have a great evening,




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