
This rain has been great, but it’s also creating more work. I would much rather look at green grass but brown grass requires less maintenance 😊.

This past Monday, Ian was helping me mow the back yard and I was using the Weed Wacker. I am particular about the edges and love to make them look crisp, just like a nice fade for a haircut.

I also love to look at the lawn after it’s completed…it brings me joy!

While I was cleaning up some weeds and tall grass around our apple trees, I accidentally hit a rotten apple hiding in the grass.

And I got sprayed!

The over-ripe juices blasted me…all over. I could feel the wetness on my legs and arms…but I could see it on my glasses.
In fact, the juice splattered my glasses so much, I had to stop and wipe them off with my sleeve. This pic is after the initial cleaning, but you can still see some of the apple debris.

And then I got to thinking about how something similar can happen in life. You and I may have an unexpected interaction with rotten people (those with a bad attitude about life) and it can affect us more than we know.

It can alter our ability to see clearly. This can affect not only our perspective but can also be dangerous for our faith.

This Sunday, Pastor Dave will continue our series, “God: Up close and personal” with a sermon from the life of Abraham entitled, “Abraham: God is faithful to keep His promises” from Genesis 12:1-3 and 17:1-8. I know he will share some practical advice about how to focus and renew our faith when our perspective gets sprayed with debris.

I hope you have a great weekend, and I look forward to seeing you soon,
P.S. In case you haven’t had a chance yet, you can DOWNLOAD OUR NEW APP HERE.




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